Are You?

Disillusioned & Quietly Quitting?

Struggling to get out of bed in the morning, lacking confidence, motivation, drive and focus.  Experiencing health issues you can’t shake, feeling anxious, overwhelmed, on an emotional rollercoaster and not sleeping.

Do You Want to Be?

Illuminated & Striving Forward?

Energised, engaged, confident, self motivated and empowered, moving ahead with precision performance and experiencing calm, peace and happiness.

“You Have All The Power Within To Make The Change You Desire”

You Hold the Key

You are a successful professional, a corporate leader, or a business owner, and you have always been resilient and skilled at handling various challenges confidently. This has been instrumental in successfully shaping your career and business journey… until now.

Suddenly, you find yourself behaving in ways that feel unfamiliar, and you sense that something is wrong. Your logical thinking seems to have vanished, and you feel trapped, and overwhelmed by the situation. This not only affects your performance but also impacts the
happiness in other areas of your life.

You are desperate to shake out of the rut you are in and get back on track.

You can, because you possess the power to regain control and overcome any obstacles that come your way. And with my support and guidance, together we can nurture that power to resolve the issues and restore your true self again.

My Approach

Is a unique, professional, honest and compassionate focusing purely on YOU.     

It is not about me suggesting solutions for you, it is about me supporting and guiding you to rediscover yourself and what you already know.

Everyone lives their life by their own internal rules and stories.  Strategic, gentle yet direct thought-provoking questions will challenge your thinking and tackle the stories you believe are not productive in real time.

My Promise To You

  • My Commitment – I partner with you. I believe in creating a relationship based on trust, transparency and honest communication and developing a sustainable relationship with you.
  • Your Results – I guarantee clarity bringing measurable and significant results.
  • Your Enlightening Transformation – I know that every person will be affected by the coaching method and will experience impactful yet effortless shifts and results.
  • Connecting Together – I guarantee that in or after every one of your sessions you will feel even more connected and collaborative.
  • Highest Global Standards – I work within the ICF (International Coaching Federation) ethical and global standards.
Image showing how a new mindset can bring new results

What My Clients Say About Me

Holly - Factory Director, Unilever

  I would call what Karen does, ‘coaching therapy’. It is unlike any other coaching experience I have had. It has given me much greater understanding of what drives and motives me, as well as what I need in order to thrive.

We started working together when I was overwhelmed in a new role with numerous leadership challenges. Throughout our working together Karen has been an honest challenger – not allowing me to skim over the surface of issues, or to avoid diving into those difficult places to surface the change that needs to happen. Karen is honest, but she is also kind, and her compassionate approach is what made me start to trust in my abilities and to move past the feelings of inaptitude.

I would recommend Karen to any leader that wants to really delve, to understand themselves more and to apply that so that they can better serve their team.


  As the owner of a successful and growing business and dad to two wonderfully happy young children, outwardly all was going well. I was becoming increasingly aware however, that all was not well on the inside and that I needed to find the strength to keep heading in the right direction. I found I was ‘coping,’ but struggling to respond to life how I hoped.

I knew I needed to work through this. I needed help, but quickly and with the right support structure in place. Self-help literature and traditional support therapies seemed to offer some solutions but came nowhere near the impact or speed that I was yearning for.

Into the breach steps Limelight lifestyle Development Consultancy… Right from the initial video consultation with Karen, I saw a positivity and dynamism that I could immediately engage with and make a difference.

From the first face-to-face session, my aim was to discuss and formulate a strategy for dealing with the multi-facetted world of personalities and decisions (large and small) that I had to endure every day. Quickly, I realised that this was going to be a very different kind of journey to the one I was expecting; one of self-discovery, realignment, and empowerment beyond measure.

Fast-forward ahead 12 months, and the world around me is a happier, calmer space seen through refreshed eyes. We have achieved those initial goals, and we continue to push forwards into new territory. It is an absolute delight to have a unique space to head to every few weeks, and continue the journey. Karen, thank you

Karen brings a wealth of real-world experience to the sessions, and applies a variety of intriguing and engaging techniques, pin-point accurate, astonishingly effective; life changing. Incredible.

For anyone who feels they are not living up to their true potential I highly recommend coaching with Karen.



  I have been given tools so that I approach situations with a calm resourceful attitude.

I signed up to the 15 hours coaching package, with a rather specific goal, to take my fledgling business to the next level.  I have achieved this goal, by completing my first corporate order, held 2 events and found new premise.

However, during the sessions I have gained so much more than my original goal.

I have deeply questioned my beliefs and values to make sure they are true for me, I have been given tools so that I approach situations with a calm resourceful attitude and I have gained the confidence to believe that we live in abundance and everything is possible.

For anyone who feels they are not living up to their true potential I highly recommend coaching with Karen.


I have been having regular coaching sessions with Karen for 9 months now, to support me in a recent promotion and increased responsibility at work.

Through working closely with me to identify the root cause of my insecurities, working habits and behaviours that were holding me back, Karen has completely transformed my outlook on the working day, and has been instrumental in me building my confidence, both in and outside of work.

When I reflect, I can not believe the impact my sessions have had in a relatively short period of time. This has been in the truest sense, a life changing experience.


I remember before my session that I was absolutely terrified of lifts, ever since being on holiday in Germany in 2014 and a lift broke down whilst I was in it.  Ever since then I have been shaken!

But since my session with Karen I have felt so much better; it highlighted how I was worrying over nothing for 7 years.  I am fine in lifts now, I am calm and don’t give them a second thought, which really surprised me.

Using lifts frequently in my day to day life, I save so much precious time…in addition to feeling calm and elevated.

I would absolutely recommend Karen’s incredible work to anyone.


Karen is a great mindset coach.  She did a couple of short sessions with me working on a couple of areas that I struggled with and within a very short space of time, she helped me to change my thought process about something I had always got upset and stressed about for years…now they aren’t even a thing!

I would highly recommend her to anyone struggling in any aspect of their life…it’s a lifestyle changer.


We all need a coach for personal, business and health related issues.  I was lucky to reconnect with Karen, an ex-colleague of mine who I thought becoming a coach was only natural for her.

She was quickly able to assess my situation and helped me make a few small changes that saved me.  Just before New Year 2019, I was hopeless and getting sick every few weeks.  Not only did Karen help me to get unstuck but also helped me to move past my negative mental rut that was affecting my health tremendously and nearly every area of my life.  I am continuing my journey and I would recommend Karen to anyone who wants to change their lives.  She is an amazing listener, great coach and real.


AnthonyTo take a ‘time out’ from the challenges of routine and career, to take a breath and ask yourself, what is it all for ? Why the 14 hour days, the work calls at weekends, the long haul flights and the 4.00am starts from home and 1.30am return the following morning, practically 3 days in one.

The monetary reward is not the answer. I was operating “on pilot”. I needed to understand why I was driving myself to the limits, for what or ultimately for who’s benefit. I needed perspective and the opportunity to reset.

Limelight helped me take the step back, personally and professionally. I got the space and support to understand what drives me, what I really want from life. Karen gave me the confidence and clarity to think about what is important to me and how I can contribute more to myself and those I care about.